PlayStation 5 (PS5) | The Future of Gaming - gamegame
The PlayStation 5 is coming out very soon and this would be
a massive upgrade from the ps4 Pro and even the Xbox one X so this would be
Sony's true4k 60 console and also the world's most powerful console and here's
all the ladies mixer rumors everything we know at the moment in terms of the PlayStation
5 lots of details that I want to cover in this video so grab some snacks some
drinks sit back relax and let's have a look[Music]okay so here's the thing
unlike laptops or you know smartphones tablets or pretty much anything in the
tech industry consoles do not get a yearly update in fact consoles get updated every
five to six years or so for example the original PlayStation one came out in
1994 the ps2 came out in2000 so six years later than the ps3came out in 2006 so
again six years later and then a ps4 came out in 2013 so seven years later so
yeah the PS 5should come out in 2019 or 2020 over the console cycle release god
has her opted by the release of the ps4 Pro in September 2016 which was a much
more powerful version of the ps4 but still not powerful enough for it to be the
next generation console now the ps4 Pro can indeed play 4k games but only very few
of them are actually true 4k so for example Last of Us remastered is in the Tru
4k 60 so that's impressive wipeout remastered is also true 4k 60and they look
stunning but these games were actually ps3 games in the first place never even
designed for the original ps4 and all the modern games that d render in 4k
they're actually either quad HD 30 or checkerboard at 4kupskilledand still 30
frames per second but what sony aims to deal with the PS 5 is actually true
native 4k at 60 frames per second something that not even the Xbox1x can view
at the moment and I'll talk about the specs in a second but first when is the
PS 5 actually coming out well like I said 2019 or 2020 but then something very
interesting actually happened about three weeks ago so Sony has announced that
it would not beat tending III 2019 which is very unexpected and also quite
shocking because Sony has been intending III for literally the past 24 years 24
years and they haven't skipped a single year in 24years and they just randomly
decided to do so in 2019 now this can mean two things so one either Sony has
literally nothing to talk about and are skipping e3entirely because of that or
two they have a lot to talk about including the PS 5.
They'll actually be
doing a separate dedicated a big PlayStation event just for that outside of a 3
and here's the actual press statement that Sony has released in terms of this
as the interest evolves Sony Interactive Entertainment continues to look for inventive
opportunities to engage with a community place station fans mean the world to
us and we always want to innovate thing differently an experiment with new ways
to delight gamers as a result we have decided not to participate in III 2019we
are exploring new and familiar ways to engage with our community in 2019 and we
cannot wait to share our plans with you so Sony's definitely not canceling
their community interaction in 2019 based on that statement reason why I would actually
put my money on option number two sony having a dedicated a big event just to
announce the play station 5 now I don't really see this event happening any time
before September or q4 2019 to be honest so based on this my prediction is
either a late 2019 events with a PS 5announcement as well as the release ahead
of the holiday season of 2019 or just the PS 5 announcement and then possibly
even late 2020 release now if this console would be you know 4k 60like a true
4k 60 console which at a moment this is something that only the GTX 2080 can
achieve in almost all games well it needs to have some insane specs now I'll
take a look at the Xbox one X it actually has similar performance to Radeon rx
580 card which is a mid-range graphics card but that's still very impressive
considering that the 580 is a1080p quad HD gaming card while the Xbox one X can
even do native 4k albeit at 30frames per second but still and now when it comes
to the actual PS 5 specs all the leaks are pointing towards Sony using an 8
core and the horizon desktop processor as well as a custom-made AMDGPU either
based on the Vega architecture or even the upcoming Navy architecture now Sony
is actually working very closely with AMD on this in fact we've had a report
that aim D has actually built the entire Navy architecture with a PS 5 in mind
and this is why they've actually had to delay the Vega architecture in the
first place now the ps4 Pro has 4.2 tera flops of performance but then the Xbox
one X has 6 throw flops so what about a PS 5well it's actually rumored to have between
8 to 10 teraflops of performance which I'll cover in a second but yeah that's
absolutely insane for a console now just to give you guys an idea a
gtx980tiactually has over 10 teraflops of performance.
You can easily handle
native 4k games at 30 frames per second on the highest settings and in a lot of
cases even at 60 frames per second and over now on the other hand an Xbox
1xhas6/3 flops of performance so yeah almost half of the power of the 1080i and
it can handle native 4k 30 games as well thanks to how optimized the games are
in fact mark Cerny the lead developer the lead system architect actually for a
ps4said that he believes that in order fora console to hit an 8 - 4 K 60 it
needs about 8 star flops or even more of performance so yeah PS 5 would enter flops
would be easily able to not just handle 4k 60 but also heavily improve the
graphics with you know more effects high resolution textures and basically take
the overall graphics quality to a jump similar to the ps3 to the ps4 so we won't
just be getting you know high resolution and higher framerate but also more
realistic graphics as well now the PS 5 will definitely feature backwards compatibility
so this is something that's been talked a lot about and since the ps4 and the
ps4 Pro already based on the x86 64 platform and in fact that the aim the
horizon processors are also based on the x86 64architecture the PS 5 will also
be based on this x86 64 so you know all the games would automatically be
backwards compatible to the PS 5 so all ps4 games would work on a PS 5 which is
obviously awesome so does not only means that you would be able to play all of
your previous ps4 games on a PS 5 but if developers decide to do so they could easily
release a patch that allows you to play native for a ps4 games in 94 KSC imagine
playing God of War or even GTA 5in that resolution and frame rate that would be
insane and speaking of insane something very interesting happened earlier this
month so Sony has an event in Tokyo where they showcase their upcoming Sony
HDTV so that was quite cool and on those TVs they obviously needed you know
some 8kcontent to show their 8k TVs and since there was literally almost no Sony actually gave us a demo of Gran
Truism sport Veronique an 8k at a hundred and twenty frames per second this is
insane guys this is absolutely insane the ps4 pro for example runs that game at
1800 P and60 frames per second which is still very impressive but native 4k at
60 frames per second for Gran Turismo would be an achievement 120 frames per
second and 8kis just unbelievable so how is this even possible well here's a
few things that I want to mention so first this is a racing game and racing
games are actually the easiest 3d games to render since you just need to render
the car model and the most amount of detail and since you're driving so fast
the track itself and the background doesn't need to be as detailed so a lot of
racing games even use 2d assets for the trees and crowd sometimes on multiple
layers and so on and they actually rotate those based on perspective so what
I'm saying is that an 8k 120 frames per second racing game is much more
achievable than I don't know read a Redemption to an 8k120 but yeah don't get
me wrong the PS 5would not support 88 gaming at 120frames per second that would
be insane of course but by 2020 we would not have the tech required to build a
$400console that can do a que 2120 we canal ready do by the way 8k 120 you just
need a lot of GPUs a lot of 28 ET is 20ATS actually but that's pretty much what
you need a lot of really powerful GPUs and you can do it but when it comes to doing
this on a $400 console or whatever price the PS 5 will be praised priced at No
if you cannot do that essentially the PS 5 would establish itself as a true
native 4k console especially since now more and more households are starting to
get a hold of you know 4k televisions and then by the time the ps4 of the PS 5
Pro releases some households would even start having you know 8k TVs and then
the PS 5 Pro would offer 8k 30 games or maybe even 8k60 if it takes three to
four years for Sony to release one so yeah don't get your hopes too high when
it comes to you know playing 8k games or anything crazy like that so now that
we know the specs and the performance let's talk about the design so we know
that the PS 5development kits are already in the hands of developers but Sony
does actually not have a finalized design as of yet so there was this very big
leak actually about two weeks ago on this Russian website that showed us a possible
design for the PS 5 and we've actually made a PS 5 concept based on just that
so here's the officials of type PlayStation 5 concept based on that leak now
unfortunately that leak was actually confirmed to be fake by Benjamin gas key
and apparently was actually render a really good one but at least it was you
know a realistic vision as to how the PS 5 could look I mean the thing is I've
seen a lot of concepts on the ps5 which showed spheres or you know crazy
designs like that which are cool don't get me wrong but let's be honest those
are not going to be the designer of the PS 5 so here's a more realistic look at
how the PS 5could look like yeah overall a very similar design to the ps4 with
this -two-tone look the console itself should be bigger or at least thicker
than even a ps4 pro depending on how much cooling Sony decides to add in this
thing but yeah like I said don't expect any crazy spherical designs or anything
like that and I just wanted to mention how far those are not that concepts have
come so this was the old PS 5 concept from back in February 2018 and this is
the concept nine months later.
So yeah I think we've come a long way so
definitely subscribe and enabled implications if you're new to the channel for
more and better concepts in the future now of course that if you want achieve
the best performance for a lower cost not a sponsor but the best option is
actually a streaming service so something that alive used to do in the past if
any of you remember that thumbs up if you guys remember on live and then Google
is also working at the moment on something similar with project stream and you
can actually try assassin screen Odyssey for free streams so that's quite
interesting you do get more latency than from you know playing it directly on a
console or PC but you get to experience in the same game in 1080p 30 frames per
seconds but it's at the highest possible settings and you know things would get
better in time latency would be lowered and yeah essentially what you need at
the moment is a 25 mega per second connection at least and you know as the time
goes by the internet will be getting faster and faster and especially with 5g
just around the corner5g actually allows speeds of up to 10gigabits per second
on-the-go compared to one gigabit that was for 4G so yeah this would allow for
even 4k games at 60frames per second to be streamed but almost no delay and
this is where something like Sony's upcoming PS 5portable console would come
into play Microsoft has even said that a next generation of Xbox consoles would
actually be the last generation of physical consoles and then afterwards they
will be moving towards cloud gaming and streaming and you know streaming does
have a ton of advantages so not only would you be able to play your game library
on any device like you know smartphone tablet console computer whatever even a
TV with a controller but for example if you're I don't know watching ninja play
for not on Twitter or something you could press a button to join in the same
lobby and played yourself from the exact same moment in the game and that's
really cool say I'm really looking forward to the future the only major downside
that I can think of when it comes to streaming is that everything would be
subscription-based you know you would have to pay Sony for access to their
streaming services and then you would also have to pay the developers for the
games I mean it would be cool if you just paid for the streaming access and you
would get access to you all the PS 5 games and ps4 that would be cool but I
don't think that's going to be the case so you would either have to buy the games
fully or the games could be free but they would come with a lot of an app purchases
in that case but yeah definitely let me know in the comments your thoughts on a
PS 5 and game streaming in general do you think that this is the future or do
you think that you know countries that are a bit underdeveloped when it comes
to the actual internet speeds would be the ones losing you know all this so
yeah let me know what you guys think about it.
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