What does ram do? - gamegame

Hello I'm from Gamepadia and today we're talking about rap so Ram what is it how does it work what does it do what our frequencies watch high bandwidth memory Watts video memory let's find out RAM or random access memory is a volatile memory source and a volatile memory source is something that cannot store data without power being sent directly to it Ram is normally associated with D Ram which is this kind of memory the con which you stick into your motherboard but there are other types of memory to which we will go over but what does it do I'm going to explain it in two different ways one way for people who really don't know what Ram is and another way which is a more technical term so let me explain in very simple terms we'll first imagine that your brain is at your computer we've got long-term memory subconscious memory and conscious memory conscious memory is what you're using right now to watch this video your conscience it's your state of being whatever you've got your long-term memory which is where all of your memories are stored ready to be accessed by your subconscious memory or subconscious memory essentially worked in the background getting memories from your long term memory to put into your conscious memory this essentially is what your RAM does in your computer its your subconscious memory is taking memories from your long-term memory or your hard drive and it is randomly accessing those in order for your CPU to take it from the subconscious memory or the RAM if something is not needed from your long-term memory your hard drive or your conscious memory which is your CPU it simply erases the data on the RAM and it's not the best explanation but it's the way I'm kind of trying to structure it and show you sort of what RAM does I'll give you a technical explanation now Ram is a computer storage location that allows information to be stored and access quickly from random locations within the Dee on a memory module because the information is accessed randomly instead of sequentially like a CD or a hard drive the computer is able to access the data much faster than if it was only reading from the hard drive however unlike a hard drive the RAM is volatile so it can't store data if there is no power go into it and as your technical explanation so easy enough we understand what exactly Ram does but what about the different components of ram you've got things like frequency in timings and voltage and all that sort of stuff and then HBM and graphics Ram and also slim and stuff well we'll get into that now frequency is how many bits or wealth information are being transferred per second on one data line it's fairly straightforward high memory frequency means higher data bandwidth and hence a faster system but before you all go out buying super ultrafast memory of 3400Hertz and going around my computers way brother if you're just using it for gaming it's kind of pointless because most tests show within gaming that higher bandwidth memory actually will decrease your gaming performance in most cases the actual sort of middle ground is the best place to be with the lower end kind of dropping off so you kind of get a curve like that lower end is bad and then it gets better and better and better and then where as you get higher bandwidth memory it gets worse and worse and worse it's what I say it's a curve you're talking like one to two frames so the middle is the best which is good Goldilocks effect so what about timings these are a little bit more complicated to understand I'm only going to give an example and I'll make sure to link something in the description for you to read on it fully and for you to understand timings Ram uses a variety of timings to control how fast it operates these timings typically go by very weird names like TCL TR CD T Ras trois but I'm going to talk about the most common one of them the one that is used the most and if you guys as I said want tore search any more of about timings there's a link in the description Peter check out CAS latency or TCL this is the most important memory timing Cass stands for address strobe if a row has been selected it tells us how many clock cycles will have to wait for the result and while this isn't really important for knowing like what Ram to buy it is quite nice to know how it works so that's the most common form of timing and finally in RAM we have voltage on RAM sticks is simply the amount of power that it requires to operate you can overclock RAM in the BIOS and often send more power to the RAM for it to perform better this is essentially how you overclock Ram again this doesn't mean go out and buy super high voltage Ram okay lower end ram is actually more compatible with motherboards and if you want to buy some super awesome Ram like kind of this stuff don't just stick it in your computer and leave it there make sure you do some overclocking or do some research and how to overclock them because you'll be gaining way more benefit out of that that's what the massive heat sinks are for on these things here and some RAM just doesn't need heat sinks because you're not expecting to do anything with it like this one for example but Corsair and make their vengeance RAM which has this super awesome Madhu Civheatsink on it so this would be way more suited for overclocking and voltage control than this would be and then in between you have what is actually my favorite Ram which is this stuff the standard vengeance nice heatsink some mild overclock you can get on this stuff I'll do that also don't forget that lower voltage Ram is less prone to failure as well in fact that's where ECC memory comes in ECC memory is Ram that's traditionally used by server and workstation motherboards and it's a lower frequency and is way more stable and has a load of other features as well to stop crashing and all sorts of things but that's definitely for another video so now you guys have a better understanding of what Ram is let's go over some different ramped types as well as some features you got things like dual channel memory and quad channel memory for example I hear a lot of people asking what that's all about most systems Ram prevents a PC from achieving its maximum capable performance this occurs because the CPU is 99.9 percent of the time way faster than the RAM that's inside of it in a perfect computer Brown would be just as fast as the CPU dual triple and quad channel are used to double triple or quadruple the communication speed between the memory controller and the RAM thus increasing system performance array you also got graphics memory the most commonly uses gbbr and well that's essentially exactly the same thing but used for video and graphics processing only rather than anything else we've got ECC as well which i've already mentioned is basically a formal stable version of RAM it is worth noting by the way that you can't just pop ECC in anything that you want please make sure you check your mother more compatibility before you buy any kind of RAM at for your computer and finally we have the next-gen HBM or high bandwidth memory high bandwidth memory achieves a high bandwidth while using less power in a substantially smaller form factor andddr4 or gddr5 or even gddr5 X as we are now seeing with of course you know the10 80s and the Titans and the 10 60s and the Pascal range this is achieved by stacking up to 8 D Ram dies on top of each other including the optional base die within the memory controller essentially this places and sort of stacks the dies on top of each other and that means you get a much faster interface because they have to travel down rather than sideways kind of that's the simplest way I can put it this is something that we're going to see in the future and AMD have already implemented it in a few of their cards but the best thing that we are all looking forward to is HBM 2 or high bandwidth memory 2 which is the next gen of high bandwidth memory HBM 2 is able to achieve a whopping 256gigabytes per second memory bandwidth per package and the HBM to spec allows you to have 8 gigabytes of memory per package rather than 4 which is what HPm1 allows you to have we're hopefully going to be seeing this on loads and loads of graphics cards in the future so that's everything a not too bad if you guys are looking to buy RAM for your computer then make sure you check what your motherboard is compatible with I would say always go for the middle ground having the best most highest frequency highest voltage Ram isn't always the best thing and while some of these may look super awesome and cool you're not going to be using or needing some of that power as ever the Goldilocks effect is normally best you get pretty much everything you need in the middle and lower end Ram isn't necessarily going to be a bigger failure or less reliable than higher-end Ram in fact sometimes it's quite the opposite way around but whatever you can afford make it so and we say here at Dino PC that eight gigabytes is the minimum you should have in modern day computers with 16 being perfect you don't really need anything more than 16anything more than 16 and it's just sitting there doing absolutely nothing others saying that if you are into rendering videos and I mean rendering like 3d ultra animation stuff and you open Photoshop Illustrator Sony Vegas Adobe Premiere Pro Final Cut and absolutely everything at the same time then maybe you could have a little bit more RAM and if you're using a workstation or server then 128 gigs.

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